OGC:WMSKarte der Großregion / Carte de la Grande RégionKarte der Großregion / Carte de la Grande RégionAndreas BeckerLandesamt für Vermessung und Geobasisinformation (LVermGeo) Rheinland-PfalzGeoinformationsdienstepostal
Von-Kuhl-Straße 49
+49 261 492 515+49 261 492 492vertrieb-geodienste@vermkv.rlp.de
None; Die Namensnennung hat in folgender Weise zu erfolgen: "Datenquelle: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kataster und Kartographie der Großregion, www.gis-gr.eu"CC BY-SA 4.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
application/vnd.ogc.wms_xmlimage/pngimage/jpegimage/tifftext/htmlapplication/vnd.ogc.gmltext/plainapplication/vnd.ogc.se_xmlapplication/vnd.ogc.se_inimageapplication/vnd.ogc.se_blankKarte der Großregion / Carte de la Grande RégionKarte der Großregion / Carte de la Grande RégionKarte der Großregion / Carte de la Grande RégionEPSG:4326EPSG:25832EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:4647OGC:WMSKarte der Großregion / Carte de la Grande RégionKarte der Großregion / Carte de la Grande RégionKarte der Großregion / Carte de la Grande RégionEPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_col_layerBasiskarte / Carte générale Basiskarte / Carte généraleEmpty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_singel_layerThematische Ebenen / Couches thématiquesUeK GR - Singel LayerEmpty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_grausAusserhalb der Grossregion / A l´extérieur da la Grande RégionNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_waldWaldflaechen / Zones boiséesNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_siedlSiedlungsflaechen / Surfaces bâtiesNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_grgrGrenze der Grossregionn / Limit de la Grande RégionNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_gebtxGebietsnamen / Noms de régionsNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_gebgrGebietsgrenzen / Limites de régionsNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_gewGewaesser / HydrographieNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_bahnSchienenverkehr / Trafic ferroviaireNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_nstrNebenstrassen / Routes secondairesNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_hstrHauptstrassen / Routes principalesNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_abstrAutobahnen / AutoroutesNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_geonetGeografisches Netz / Réseau géographiqueNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_flughFlughaefen / AéroportsNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_namtxGeografische Namen / Noms géographiquesNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_gewtxGewaesserbeschriftung / Ecritures hydrographieNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_ortteilOrtsteile / QuartiersNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_ort5Orte bis 5.000 Einwohner / Localités d´au maximum 5 000 habitantsNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_ort25Orte 5.000 - 25.000 Einwohner / Localités entre 5 000 et 25 000 habitantsNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_ort100Orte 25.000 - 100.000 Einwohner / Localités entre 25 000 et 100 000 habitantsNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmluekgr_ort101Orte ueber 100.000 Einwohner / Localités de plus de 100 000 habitantsNo abstract for the specific layer was given, please add a description to your layer ressource.Empty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/htmlrp_uekgr_metadatenUEKGR RP MetadatenMetadaten-EbeneEmpty keyword was given, please add a keyword to your layer ressource.EPSG:25831EPSG:25832EPSG:31466EPSG:31467EPSG:31468EPSG:3857EPSG:4258EPSG:4326EPSG:4647text/html